Wednesday, May 30, 2012


(1) Please review the 2012 senior project blogs. You will be making one next week.

(2) Prom meeting on Thursday at lunch in Navaroli's.

(3) Check in with Senior ASB about candy sales

(4) Continue to work on your 10 hours of volunteering with an expert or job shadowing an expert in the field of a senior project that interest you.

*Note:  The actual name of service learning is the Mentorship Component.  You will see references to the Mentorship Component in the future rather than service learning.

1 comment:

  1. FUTURE PROM LUNCH MEETINGS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED IN NAVAROLI's ROOM - today, you choose to leave empty milk and juice cartons along with used napkins and sandwich wrappers strewn about my floor - how completely rude and disappointing - PROM COMMITTEE is no longer welcome in my room.

