Saturday, September 1, 2012

9/5-9/7 Schedule

WED:   House*, 1, 2
THURS:  3, 4, 1/2**
FRI: 3/4**, Research Check 1*** & Supplies Check****, Show/Tell and Potluck*****

*Senior project introduction
**We will take one block and split it in half for each class.
***You will bring 2 articles and 1 encyclopedia article and read and take notes on them during class for one hour and twenty minutes.  If you think you can do more in that time, you need to bring more.  In addition to this, you will bring a completed working bibliography sheet prepared as of 8AM.

See Jaime's blog (click here)  Look on the right hand side for a working bibliography.  We will also show you how we expect you to take notes in class prior to Friday.  

****Bring the required calculator, composition notebook, quad ruled composition book, spiral notebook, 1" 3 ring binder,

*****For the show and tell, we will ask to bring something tangible to show off and talk about your summer mentorship experience. If you did not do the assignment, you will need to bring something tangible symbolizing the effort you made to find it.   We will also organize a pot luck for Friday.

Senior Project: What is due the first week?

WED: Blog 1 is due by 8AM

  • Blog 2: What is your topic? What do you hope to accomplish this year (connecting it to the 4 ESLRs)  Label:  Research.  It is due by 8AM.
  • Supply Check for Core
  • Research Check #1:  Bring 1 encyclopedia article and 2 articles 750 words or more and your WB 
  • Show and Tell item
  • Potluck responsibility
Upcoming Due Date:
  • Interview 1 due 9/17 by 8AM to

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