Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework for ROTO 9/19 - 9/20

Ogden: None

Purther: None

Melogno: Blog 5a before 8AM tomorrow, study for Physics quiz (BRING CALCULATORS~!)

Ortega: None, but you should work on your writing workshop piece.

Important Stuff: 

  • Walk-in song for Pep Rally is due tonight, before 8PM. Be smart about it. Really, it doesn't take a genius to know what's school appropriate and what isn't. 
  • Pretend Friday is a funeral and wear all black
  • THIS IS TOTALLY IMPORTANT: Research check #3 is on Friday! Bring three articles plus an updated WB. 
  • Candy sales are due next Monday, along with Blog 4 before 8AM 
  • Movie night is next Wednesday in the Multi-purpose room from 4PM - 6PM. I believe the movie showing is "She's The Man" 
  • Next Friday is the first dance of the year. Remember, our goal is to create a fire hazard. But the only materials we're allowed to use are people. Specifically iPoly students. 

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