Monday, October 15, 2012

10/15-10/16 ROTO

Hey people!!! Here's what happened today:

  • Ogden: Work on "Fair is Fair" worksheet due next rotation
  • Purther: None, unless you haven't had assessments yet. If not, study...
  • Pittman: None
  • Ortega: Print out the piece you turned in on Saturday and the review you made on Sunday for Writing Workshop....
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Senior Stuff:

  • Reunion money due10-19
  • Any recyclables (cans and plastic bottles) go to your house recycle bin for house competition.
  • Dance on November 2nd
  • Scary Movie night this Wednesday, we are watching "The Sixth Sense"
  • Scare Fair is on Halloween, please see your Scare Fair house rep for what activity you want to do....

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