Saturday, October 6, 2012

10/8-10/12 Schedule

Do you want to know why gas prices are going up in California?  Click here and watch this short video. 

See Thinnes if you want to take SAT Prep Course and/or want to buy a planner.

M-1, 2, and 3
T*-4, 1, and Elective
W**-2, 3 and 4
R***-1, 2, 3 and 4
F-RC 6****, Elective, and House Competitions*****

*Push-Up House Competition
**Recycling Commitee Meeting (we need one rep per house, Audrey is already a rep)
***Yearbook Ad meeting & Back to School Night
****Bring 3 articles and your WB updated (South House to the Library)
*****Spoons:  West vs. South; North vs. East

Yearbook Ad meeting on Thursday at lunch.   This is for folks who missed the last one.  We need everybody there who is interested in buying an ad in their yearbook.  Please don't miss it.

  • Bring $10 to your Reunion Rep by 10-19 (West: Jacob, North: Alex, South: Antonio, East: Gabriel)  Questions see Nick or your Reunion Rep
  • Bring your candy $
  • Soda/Water is extra credit still for those who haven't brought it
  • Waiting on 2 of the 3 final designs from Jordan and Alfonso so we can vote on the 3 final designs (Cheryl already turned in her final design)
  • Taryn or Aldo:  Call Jesus, I need the 10oz sweater color choices 
  • Blog 7: Independent Component 1 is due on 10/15 8AM (but your house teacher should go over what is the independent component is first before you do it)
  • Interview 2 is due 10/26 8AM

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