Friday, October 19, 2012

Schedule 10/22-10/26

School updates:
  • No more chewing gum on campus
  • No more eating in the classrooms (including parties, we need to do the parties now in the lunch areas)
  • You can't skate on the iPoly campus anymore
M*: 1, 2, and 3
T: 4, 1, and E
W: 2, 3, and 4
R**: 1, 2, and 3
F***: 4, RC 8****, E, House Competition*****

*Blog 8 is due by 8AM (click here) and senior class vote for sleeve or no sleeve on the senior sweater due by 1:00 PM

** Model Assembly C.1 Discovering your Constituency (remember to share with Purther your google doc by 8AM and bring your presentation on a flash drive).   W, E and N present on Thursday and S presents on Friday

***Second interview due (justification due to your House teacher and interview to
****Research check:  Bring 3 articles or a book and update your WB
*****Spoons (W vs. S;  N vs. E)

Senior ASB Announcements:
  • Remember to send your vote for the senior sweater to: "Senior ASB 2013" <>,    Do you want writing on the sleeves or not?
  • Reunion money is due 10/22 ($10).  
  • Bring what you have regarding Scare Fair & House decorations
House Competitions:
  • Book Competition in English
  • Recycling Competition
  • Spoons on Friday
  • Can drive starts after Scare Fair

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