Saturday, November 10, 2012

11th & 12th Charity Events

Just a reminder all,

Thanksgiving Can Drive

Thanksgiving Can Drive:  Bring cans to your house and encourage your fellow 11th grade house to bring cans also.   Due: 11/19

Committee Leaders:  Joey, Joe, Taylor, Jesse and Cynthia

This is a house competition.


We are also taking care of a family for Christmas this year.   If you work we ask for $10, if you do not, please bring $4.  Due:  12/4

We will start collecting next week.

Committee leaders are:  Taryn, & Stephany/Emani & Emma/ Saul & Eric/ Yareli & Alyssa

This is not a house competition.

What happens after 12/4?  We will form a shopping team and go shopping.  We then wrap the gifts and deliver. 

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