Monday, November 19, 2012

HWK ROTO: 11/19-11/20

Hey people, here's what's going on today for our first and last rotation of the week:

  • Ogden: Work on Bias in Surveys.
  • Purther: Update your bill, do more research on the bill and find ways to make it more liberal/conservative based on your assigned party. Also find ways to make it benefit your specific city.
  • Pittman: Work on Science Fair journals and gathering your data.
  • Ortega: Do some research on your bill.

Senior Stuff:

  • Bring your food and other stuff for Thanksgiving feast! Seriously, Thanksgiving's no fun without food...
  • Don't forget to bring parental consent forms if you're donating blood. Please donate if you can, so that we can help out people in need!!! Also, I hear you get cookies or a coupon to Cold Stone, so there's an incentive.... 
  • Bring in your money for Adopt-A-Family!! It's $10 if you're employed, or $4 if you're unemployed. Let's try to help out a family in need, and as for the family, the name and location are still to be determined.
That's all my dear friends, and I'll keep you updated throughout the week (which is really only tomorrow).....


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