Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blogs, Accountabilty Contract and Turnitin.com

Scholarship Opportunity Click Here
*If you know someone is not coming back next year, please update me by email.  
(1) Blogs:  You need to create your blogs asap.  You are late.
Audrianna, ArianaRene, Taylor

(2) Accountability Contract:  Print it, sign it, parents sign it, and take a photo of it and send it to my email.

AudriannaArianaTaylor, Jaime, Kayla, Rene, Jamilex, Hannah, Reann, 
(3) Sign up for Turnitin.com

ArianaRene, Taylor
Class ID: 4951026
Password: pomona

*If you can't sign in to turnitin.com, send me an email and I will sign you up.  
Not returning:   Destinee, Christopher

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